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Monday, January 10, 2011

News Update...

At approximately 2:45 this afternoon, an unfortunate incident occurred in the kitchen. As I was putting away the leftover hamburgers, it became apparent that one of the burgers would never reach its destination. Yes, I ate another hamburger! At least this one was plain - no bread or ketchup! Also, it was necessary to have another cup of coffee to get me through the afternoon. (I am so glad I bought that Stevia and fat-free creamer!!)
Ah, well, I am no nearer to giving up than I was before. It will just take another little while to get to my destination. But that's okay, because getting there is a pretty exciting ride!

1 comment:

  1. It's not letting me post... I guess it doesn't work on my phone. Not sure why I can comment but not post...
