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Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today's Weight - 224.4 (Down 0.7)
Taking the scenic route today...
I knew that Mom and Dad were coming over and bringing THE BEST Cuban sandwiches anybody ever ate, and strawberry birthday cake, for mine and Dad's birthdays, so eating both of those was totally premeditated. On the bright side, I only ate one piece of cake, and also, when I got on the Wii this morning, I was down again, another 0.7 pounds, making a total weight loss so far of 3.2 pounds. I did about 15 minutes of Wii Fit Plus, and about 20 minutes of Joy's COOL strength workout video.
On the not-so-bright side, I caved a little, and ate TOO MUCH of the Cuban sandwich deliciousness, both for lunch and for supper. Also, I drank probably 8 to 10 ounces of sweet tea!! In the mid-afternoon, I was hungry, and I ate two cinnamon and raisin English muffins with about a tsp of butter. I consider the English muffins and the tea my unplanned fall off of the wagon. The cake and Cubans were all part of my plan.
Still, in the past, when I've had a "bad" day and consider that I've "blown it", that would be the end of my attempt, and yet, here and now, I am not discouraged; I am not giving up. I just had a very relaxed day, and will tighten up again starting tomorrow. I have not felt as good today as I have for the past several days, and perhaps that is because I ate so much junk. I don't like feeling yucky, or my arms going numb several times during the night, or my hips hurting or knees hurting. Instead, I like riding roller coasters and doing cartwheels and going to the beach and going dancing and ridin' solo!! So wagon, wait for me - I'm getting back on!

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