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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello again!

Today's Weight 219.8 (Up 2.4)
Well, my miserable little vacation is over, and I'm back.  I don't know if it has anything to do with my cycle (which is so unpredictable now in my old age!) or not, but I fell back into despair, and just quit trying to do anything.  But how stupid and senseless!  That stretch (that I've recorded on here thus far) is the longest stretch of "feeling good" and hopefulness I've had in a long time.  Why would I give that up?  I won't!!  I refuse to just lay here and let this gloomy cloud of misery cover me up again.  So here I am, and by the grace of God, I will persevere.  I want to run the race with endurance!!  Not lay down in defeat!  
Yesterday morning (Monday), I got on the Wii and my weight was up 1.1 pounds.  And I ate and drank just whatever I wanted yesterday.  (I didn't feel good).  And again today, I was up another 1.3 pounds!!  And then I ate three cinammon rolls (which I had made for the kids' breakfast).  
But starting now, I want to get back to drinking water, eating healthy, and caring.  It's good stewardship.  And the older I get, the less I can afford to be a poor steward with the life and health God has given me.  Actually, I could never "afford" it.  So I'm running after that wagon, and I'm going to get back in.

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